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Discover the Alphabet: Fun and Educational ABC Printable Activity


Looking for an engaging way to help your child learn the alphabet? Our ABC printable activity, combined with our ABC flashcards, offers a fun, hands-on approach to letter recognition! This activity not only makes learning enjoyable but also enhances sensory skills through a creative use of materials. Follow along to see how you can turn a simple 9×13 pan into a magical letter-finding adventure!

Materials Needed

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Prepare the Pan

Start by filling your clear 9×13 pan with water. Add a few drops of blue paint and a tablespoon of corn starch. Mix well until the water becomes blurry. This creates a fun and mysterious effect that will make finding the letters more exciting for your child.

2. Set Up the Printable

Place the ABC printable under the pan. This printable serves as the guide for your child to identify the letters hidden beneath the blurry water.

3. Use the Flashcards

Cut out and shuffle the ABC flashcards and pick one at random. Show the flashcard to your child and ask them to identify the letter.

4. Search for the Letter

Hand your child a clear measuring cup and encourage them to slide it across the bottom of the pan. As they move the cup, the clear surface will reveal the hidden letters on the ABC printable beneath the water!

5. Celebrate the Discovery

Once your child finds the correct letter, celebrate their success! Repeat the process with different flashcards to practice all the letters of the alphabet.

Educational Benefits

This activity is more than just fun—it’s packed with educational benefits:

  • Letter Recognition: By matching flashcards with letters, your child reinforces their knowledge of the alphabet.
  • Sensory Play: The combination of water, paint, and corn starch provides a unique sensory experience, enhancing fine motor skills.
  • Problem-Solving Skills: Your child will develop problem-solving abilities as they navigate the blurry water to find the letters.

Tips for Success

  • Use non-toxic, washable paint to ensure easy cleanup.
  • Supervise your child during the activity to prevent spills and ensure safety.
  • Make it a game! Time how long it takes to find each letter or create a friendly competition with siblings or friends.


Incorporate this ABC printable activity into your child’s learning routine for a fun and educational experience. By using everyday materials in creative ways, you can turn letter recognition into an exciting adventure. Happy learning!